Monday, August 19, 2013

Where to Begin?

One of the questions I have been asked several times is what I would recommend first to a reader who is interested in reading my work.

The simple answer is I would recommend my short collection of poetry titled    From the Heart.

Usually the question that follows is: Why that particular book?

From the Heart is more than just a short collection of poetry.  Each one of the poems in there has a personal meaning for me.  Like the title, each of the poems was written from my heart.  Initially, I wrote each of them without ever thinking I would share them.  They were a way for me to cope with certain things during my life, and celebrate others.  Some of them I'd written many years ago, while others were more recent.  Perhaps there may be some in there that you can relate to.

I published those works because of how personal each of those are to me.  I published them because I want each of you to be able to read my work and know that whatever I write, it is going to be written the same - from my heart and soul.

My deepest thanks to each of you that reads my work.  If it stirs emotions within you, then I am pleased.  That is why I write.

For those that would like to take the journey through the Exiled trilogy, following is the order in which they should be read:

The Exiled -

The Exiled: Continuation -

The Exiled: Infinity -

Thank you all for the amazing support you've given and continue to give.  Knowing that my work touches you and brings you enjoyment is worth more than I could possibly express in words.


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